The most trusted name in right heart monitoring
The first flow-directed Swan-Ganz™ Pulmonary Artery Catheter revolutionized hemodynamic monitoring in critically-ill patients. Utilizing continuous data, Swan-Ganz™ Pulmonary Artery Catheters track your patient’s hemodynamic status to assist your early evaluation.
Continuous right ventricular cardiac output (CORV)
Uses a smart algorithm to provide continuous right ventricular cardiac output (CORV) that updates every 10 seconds
Global Hypoperfusion Index (GHI) parameter
Predicts mixed venous desaturations up to 15 minutes in advance*
*Defined as SvO2 of ≤60% for at least one minute.
Right ventricular pressure (RVP)
Provides continuous insights into right ventricular function
Smart Wedge
Assesses the quality of a pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) measurement
See a comprehensive picture of right heart function
When used with HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor, Swan-Ganz IQ™ Catheter enables continuous monitoring that provides a comprehensive picture of your patient's right heart function—along with exclusive access to innovative parameters.
Building on more than 50 years of innovation, Swan-Ganz IQ™ Catheter leads the next generation of pulmonary artery catheter technology. We’ve innovated on the technology you trust to bring you faster insights into hemodynamic instability and support earlier interventions.
Swan-Ganz IQ™ Catheter applies a smart algorithm to analyze the RVP waveform and deliver continuous cardiac output (CORV) that updates every 10 seconds.
CORV enables clinicians to see changes in hemodynamic status and responses to interventions sooner—providing dynamic decision support during critical moments.
Assess SvO₂ and CORV in sync
With Swan-Ganz IQ™ Catheter, SvO2 and CORV measurements update closely in sync, helping you confidently assess changes in the balance of oxygen delivery and consumption.
Swan-Ganz IQ™ Catheter has an additional port that is positioned directly in the right ventricle, enabling continuous RVP monitoring on HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor.
Swan-Ganz IQ™ Catheter provides comprehensive insights into the right ventricle, including right ventricular pressures (MRVP, SYSRVP, DIARVP), right ventricular end diastolic pressure (RV EDP) and right ventricular systolic slope (RV dP/dt).
Swan-Ganz IQ™ Catheter applies a smart algorithm to analyze the RVP waveform and deliver continuous CORV that updates every 10 seconds.
Predicts mixed venous (SvO2) desaturation up to 15 minutes before it occurs—allowing clinicians more time to identify root causes of SvO2 decline and administer interventions when needed.
As a sensitive indicator of patient status, SvO2 may precede other indications of cardiopulmonary instability and support diagnostic and therapeutic decisions.
Smart Wedge measures pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) and assesses the quality of the PAOP measurement—helping clinicians make confident clinical decisions based on a high-quality wedge measurement.†
†Smart Wedge is available with all Swan-Ganz™ Catheters on HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor.
Swan-Ganz™ Advanced Technology Pulmonary Artery Catheters enable continuous assessment of flow, pressure and oxygen delivery and consumption, so you have an uninterrupted view of cardiac function and proactive decision support in your most complex patients. Access a comprehensive hemodynamic profile delivered by a single catheter to help you assess cardiovascular function and guide treatment decisions.
For a continuous view of cardiac function that can enable earlier intervention, choose the catheter with the parameters that best suit your clinical approach and your patient’s needs. Swan-Ganz™ Catheter allows continuous monitoring of the balance of oxygen delivery and consumption with these advanced hemodynamic parameters:
Continuous cardiac output (CCO)
Swan-Ganz™ Advanced Technology Catheters offer CCO, which continuously monitors cardiac output with the ability to:
Mixed venous oxygen saturation (SvO2)
Swan-Ganz™ Oximetry Catheters allow for the continuous monitoring of SvO2, which updates every 2 seconds to assess the balance between oxygen delivery and consumption. Since SvO2 is a sensitive indicator of patient status and generally precedes other indications of cardiopulmonary instability, continuous SvO2 monitoring may allow diagnostic and therapeutic decisions to be made earlier in the patient's clinical course.
Swan-Ganz™ Thermodilution Catheters monitor intracardiac pressures and cardiac output, along with providing infusing solutions.
When used with a compatible monitor, Swan-Ganz™ Thermodilution Catheters enable you to:
CO-Set+ closed injectate delivery system works effectively with room temperature or cold injectate for the measurement of bolus thermodilution cardiac output when used with a compatible monitoring platform and Swan-Ganz™ Catheter.
Swan-Ganz™ Jr Pulmonary Artery Catheter
Swan-Ganz™ Pulmonary Artery Catheter is indicated for pediatric patients.* With a continuous view of right heart pressures, mixed venous blood (SvO2) sampling and intermittent cardiac output (iCO), you can make diagnostic clinical decisions for the critically-ill children in your care.
PARAMETERS: iCO | iSV | iSVR | iPVR | SvO2 | PAP | RAP | PAOP | Continuous Core Temperature
*Indicated age range: ≥12 years.
When using ForeSight IQ™ Tissue Oximetry Sensors and Swan-Ganz IQ™ Catheter simultaneously, you can understand the adequacy of regional oxygen delivery and monitor cardiac output, which is one of the primary determinants of oxygen delivery.
Trend multiple compatible sensors together for a comprehensive view of hemodynamics, so you can understand and treat the source of hemodynamic instability.
Monitor pressures and cardiac outputs from the left and right heart to gain comprehensive insights for your most complex, vulnerable patients.
Continuously monitor the brain, left heart and right heart together in one comprehensive view.
Enable individualized care with full-range cuff, sensor and catheter compatibility.
BD is here to help you stay on top of the latest clinical challenges and make the most of hemodynamic monitoring solutions.
Objective: Explore the potential benefit of obtaining a complete hemodynamic profile via pulmonary artery catheters (PAC) prior to administration of mechanical circulatory support (MCS) in cardiogenic shock (CS) patients.
Results: The study observed that CS patients with complete PAC data obtained prior to MCS had improved survival compared to those who did not, along with other benefits including:
Read study in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology: Heart Failure
Objective: To examine the utility of PAC in complex cardiac surgeries, and their association with subsequent clinical outcomes including 30-day in-hospital mortality, major morbidity, and length of stay.
Results: The study concluded PAC use did not contribute to in-hospital mortality and could be associated with a statistically significant decrease in length of hospital stay and a significant decrease in the cardiopulmonary morbidity composite:
CAUTION: Federal (United States) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
See Instructions For Use (IFU) / Directions For Use (DFU) for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse events.