
HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor

Advanced hemodynamic monitoring

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HemoSphere Alta Monitor

Hemodynamic monitoring, reimagined

Purpose-built for smart and predictive parameters, HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor is designed to help you detect hemodynamic instability before it occurs—so you can stay ahead of critical moments.

Manage patients with the visibility and confidence of customizable multi-sensor monitoring that gives you a comprehensive view of pressure, flow and tissue oxygenation. Monitor on an intuitive 15-inch screen display with streamlined controls and voice and gesture commands that make your go-to functions easily accessible.

Engineered for Smart and Predictive Parameters
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Predict and help treat hypotension

with Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI)™ Software

Optimize fluid administration

with Acumen Assisted Fluid Management (AFM™) Software

Alert SVG
Predict SvO₂ desaturations

up to 15 minutes in advance with Global Hypoperfusion Index (GHI) algorithm

Individualize tissue oxygenation

with Cerebral Autoregulation Index (CAI) algorithm, which provides a deeper understanding of the underlying hemodynamic changes behind cerebral desaturation events 

<p>Multi-sensor monitoring for individualized care</p>

Multi-sensor monitoring for individualized care

Trend multiple compatible sensors together for a comprehensive view of hemodynamics, so you can better understand and treat the source of hemodynamic instability. Monitor with any combination of compatible hemodynamic technologies for advanced pressure, flow and tissue oxygenation insights.

Explore multi-sensor capabilities
Designed for a Streamlined Monitoring Experience

High-resolution 15" display

View clinical insights on a 15-inch high-resolution screen, with larger touch screen controls that simplify navigation.

Versatile, customizable dashboard

Assess patient trends, track interventions, and manage alerts in one streamlined dashboard designed for focus, efficiency and smart insights.

Slide-out Clinical Tools panel

Manage alerts and smart algorithms in the Clinical Tools panel to minimize disruptive pop-ups.

Voice and gesture commands

Maintain sterility and easily access your go-to functions with a simple voice or gesture command.

Request a demo

See how HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor could elevate your hemodynamic monitoring experience.

HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor
See how HemoSphere Alta monitor could elevate your hemodynamic monitoring experience.
Smart and Predictive Parameters

Manage hemodynamic instability with smart and predictive parameters

HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor is designed for smart and predictive parameters to support informed, proactive clinical decision making. You’ll have a monitor that can predict instability—so you can act to prevent potential adverse events.

<p>Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI)™ Software</p>

Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI)™ Software

Acumen HPI™ Software predicts and helps you treat hypotensive events—and when used has shown a low incidence, duration and severity of hypotension.1

Unlock with Acumen IQ™ Sensor or Acumen IQ™ Cuff.

Discover Acumen HPI™ Software
<p>Acumen Assisted Fluid Management (AFM™) Software</p>

Acumen Assisted Fluid Management (AFM™) Software

Acumen AFM™ Software uses an algorithm to make individualized fluid recommendations. Throughout a procedure, Acumen AFM™ Software learns from the patient’s response to each analyzed fluid bolus to optimize its future recommendations.

Unlock with Acumen IQ™ Sensor and Acumen IQ™ Fluid Meter.

Discover Acumen AFM™ Software
<p>Smart insights for right heart monitoring</p>

Smart insights for right heart monitoring

Access innovations for advanced right heart monitoring: Global Hypoperfusion Index (GHI), continuous cardiac output (CORV), Smart Wedge and right ventricular pressure (RVP), all available on HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor.

Unlock with Swan-Ganz IQ™ Pulmonary Artery catheter.

Discover Swan-Ganz IQ™ Sensor
<p>ForeSight IQ™ tissue oximetry parameters</p>

ForeSight IQ™ tissue oximetry parameters

Cerebral Autoregulation Index (CAI) algorithm is intended to show the level of coherence between MAP and cerebral StO2, while continuous total hemoglobin (tHb) algorithm measures systemic blood hemoglobin.

Unlock with ForeSight IQ™ Tissue Oximetry Sensor.

Request a demo

See how smart and predictive parameters could help you make smart, proactive clinical decisions.

HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor
See how HemoSphere Alta monitor could elevate your hemodynamic monitoring experience.
Multi-Sensor Monitoring

Individualize care with a range of compatible sensors

Multi-sensor monitor

With a range of compatible sensors, you can tailor parameters to each patient for a comprehensive view of hemodynamics—helping you quickly understand and treat the source of instability.

Explore compatible sensors

<p>Left and right heart monitoring</p>

Left and right heart monitoring

Monitor pressures and cardiac outputs from the left and right heart simultaneously to gain comprehensive insights for your most complex, vulnerable patients.

<p>Noninvasive monitoring</p>

Noninvasive monitoring

For patients and procedures that would benefit from noninvasive monitoring, access comprehensive insights into continuous hemodynamic parameters and tissue oxygenation.

Request a demo

See how multi-sensor monitoring can help you individualize care.

HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor
See how HemoSphere Alta monitor could elevate your hemodynamic monitoring experience.
Related Products

A comprehensive picture of hemodynamics

With full-range finger cuff, sensor and catheter compatibility, HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor allows you to individualize care with parameters you can tailor to each patient and procedure.*

*HemoSphere Alta Monitor also works with legacy BD Advanced Patient Monitoring finger cuffs, sensors and catheters.

Compatible Sensors

ForeSight IQ™ Tissue Oximetry Sensor

Unlock Cerebral Autoregulation Index (CAI) and continuous total hemoglobin (tHB) parameters with a noninvasive tissue oximetry sensor.

Swan-Ganz IQ™ Pulmonary Artery Catheter

Unlocks advanced right heart monitoring with right ventricular pressure (RVP), continuous right ventricular cardiac output (CORV) and Global Hypoperfusion Index (GHI) parameters, along with the Smart Wedge feature.

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Acumen IQ™ Sensor

Unlock Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI)™ Software and Acumen Assisted Fluid Management (AFM™) Software with arterial-line monitoring.

Learn more

Acumen IQ™ Cuff

Unlock Acumen HPI™ Software and continuous advanced hemodynamic monitoring with a noninvasive finger cuff.

Learn more

Request a demo

See how HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor could provide a more comprehensive view of your patients’ hemodynamic status.

HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor
See how HemoSphere Alta monitor could elevate your hemodynamic monitoring experience.

Access available Edwards Lifesciences EIFUs using the button below

If the EIFU is unavailable please consult your Representative or check the product labeled IFU. 

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Clinical Education

Advance patient care with ongoing education

BD Advanced Patient Monitoring is here to help you stay on top of the latest clinical challenges and make the most of hemodynamic monitoring solutions.

Explore Resource Library

CAUTION: Federal (United States) law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
See Instructions For Use (IFU) / Directions For Use (DFU) for full prescribing information, including indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions and adverse events.

HemoSphere Alta™ Monitor /content/dam/bd-assets/bd-com/en-us/images/product-family/advanced-patient-monitoring/hemosphere-alta-monitor/overview-image1.jpg BD HemoSphere Alta™ monitor HemoSphere Alta™

High-resolution 15" display


View clinical insights on a 15-inch high-resolution screen, with larger touch screen controls that simplify navigation.


Versatile, customizable dashboard


Assess patient trends, track interventions, and manage alerts in one streamlined dashboard designed for focus, efficiency and smart insights.


Slide-out Clinical Tools panel


Manage alerts and smart algorithms in the Clinical Tools panel to minimize disruptive pop-ups.


Voice and gesture commands


Maintain sterility and easily access your go-to functions with a simple voice or gesture command.


ForeSight IQ™ Tissue Oximetry Sensor


Unlock Cerebral Autoregulation Index (CAI) and continuous total hemoglobin (tHB) parameters with a noninvasive tissue oximetry sensor.


Swan-Ganz IQ™ Pulmonary Artery Catheter


Unlocks advanced right heart monitoring with right ventricular pressure (RVP), continuous right ventricular cardiac output (CORV) and Global Hypoperfusion Index (GHI) parameters, along with the Smart Wedge feature.

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Acumen IQ™ Sensor


Unlock Acumen Hypotension Prediction Index (HPI)™ Software and Acumen Assisted Fluid Management (AFM™) Software with arterial-line monitoring.

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Acumen IQ™ Cuff


Unlock Acumen HPI™ Software and continuous advanced hemodynamic monitoring with a noninvasive finger cuff.

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Advanced hemodynamic monitoring

advanced hemodynamic monitoring, hemodynamic patient monitoring, smart and predictive hemodynamic monitoring, multi-sensor hemodynamic monitor, hemodynamic instability monitor, hemodynamic technology, re-imagined hemodynamic monitoring