Our BD tools for vaccine combination product developers is a range of vaccine delivery systems. Selected by the top 5 vaccine pharmaceutical companies1, 2 and with the potential to improve the access to and the delivery of contraceptives, vaccines and maternal and child health medicines3 our tools are provided to you Sterile, Clean and ready to Fill (BD SCFTM).*
BD has years of expertise partnering with leading pharmaceutical companies4, 5 and is uniquely positioned with high volume production capacity to deliver hundreds of millions of PFS for vaccines each year.5
Included in our range is the BD Effivax™ Glass Prefillable Syringe, the BD Accuspray™ Nasal Spray System, the BD Hypak™ for Vaccines Glass Prefillable Syringe System and the BD Uniject™ Auto-Disable Prefillable Injection System.
Samples are available on request.
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* BD AccusprayTM Nasal Spray System barrel and spray nozzle are delivered assembled, to be further assembled with stopper and plunger rod.
- Market analysis and product sales for Vaccines, from 2014 to 2018 [internal analysis]. Pont de Claix, FR: Becton, Dickinson and Company; 2019
- Vaccines Market Leaders, https://www.statista.com/statistics/314562/leading-global-pharmaceuticalcompanies-by-vaccine-revenue/ accessed 4th April 2018
- Childress et al., 2011, The UnijectTM injection System: Multi-country experience and evidence, PATH
- Vaccines Market Size, Share & COVID-19 Impact Analysis, Market Research Report, https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/industry-reports/vaccines-market-101769, February 2022
- BD sales analysis [internal analysis]. Pont-de-Claix, FR: Becton, Dickinson and Company; 2021
- BD internal reference, Customer Quality Specification BD Effivax™ SC000243, BD Hypak(™) for Vaccine SC000110, BD Medical – Pharmaceutical Systems Le Pont de Claix, France
- Dubé et al., April 2015, Acceptability of live attenuated influenza vaccine by vaccine providers in Quebec, Canada, Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics. Survey conducted to explore knowledge, attitudes and practices of 314 vaccine providers regarding use of LAIV. During the vaccination campaign, 71% of responded having used LAIV Almost all of these respondents indicated that it was easy to vaccinate children with the vaccine (57% strongly agreed)
- BD internal references, EF20202208, EF20202618, EF20203052, TP20211855, TR20213724, EF20213171 BD-01-SR-01, BD-02-SR-01, BD-03-SR-01, BD Medical – Pharmaceutical Systems Le Pont de Claix, France
- BD HypakTM for vaccines needle design verification rationale [internal study]. Pont-de-Claix, FR: Becton, Dickinson and Company; 2013
- Lavidalie et al., 2010, Pilot Introduction of Oxytocin in Uniject During Active Management of the Third Stage of Labor (AMTSL) at the Institutional Level in Guatemala, PATH. Data is from 77 providers on ease of use of oxytocin in BD UnijectTM. 92% of providers find ease of preparing the oxytocin in BD Uniject™ very easy, and 80% find ease of administering the oxytocin in BD UnjectTM very easy
- Guillermet et al., 2015, Acceptability and Feasibility of Delivering Pentavalent Vaccines in a Compact, Prefilled, Autodisable Device in Vietnam and Senegal, PLoS One. 2015 Jul 17;10(7):e0132292
- Berman et al., 2014, Pentavalent Vaccine in the UnijectTM Injection System: Health Care Waste Management Considerations, PATH