
BD® Critical Care Blood Collection Syringes

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BD offers critical care blood collection products that can be utilized to collect samples used for blood gas analysis, helping diagnose and manage different respiratory, circulatory, and metabolic disorders in critically ill patients1

BD Preset™ Eclipse™ Arterial Blood Collection Syringes

BD Preset™ Eclipse™ Syringes are sterile, single use medical devices specifically intended to be used for the collection of whole blood specimens via arterial puncture for the purpose of in vitro diagnostic testing.


BD Preset™ Eclipse™ Syringe with numbered highlighted areas showing advanced blood collection technology
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Syringe size 3 mL2

Draw volume 1.6 mL2

Vented and adjustable plunger for preset volume draws2

Standardized BD Luer-Lok™

connector designed for compatibility with arterial lines, catheters, and point-of-care test instruments2

Fully integrated pink safety shield

over the needle is designed to protect against needle stick injury once activated.  An audible click may be heard upon activation of Eclipse™ shield, confirming locking mechanism is fully deployed2

BD Hemogard™ cap

for sample security and clinician safety while mixing2

BD Preset™ Arterial Blood Collection Syringes

BD Preset™ Arterial Blood Syringes are sterile, single use medical devices specifically intended to be used for the collection of whole blood specimens via catheter for the purpose of in vitro diagnostic testing.


BD Preset™ Arterial Blood Syringe with numbered highlighted areas showing advanced blood collection technology
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Syringe size 3 mL3

Draw volume 1.6 mL3

Vented and adjustable plunger for preset volume draws3

Standardized BD Luer-Lok™ connector

designed for compatibility with arterial lines, catheters, and point-of-care test instruments3

BD Hemogard™ cap

for sample security and clinician safety while mixing3

BD A-Line™ Arterial Blood Collection Syringes

BD A-Line™ Arterial Blood Collection Syringes are sterile, single-use medical devices which are intended for use in arterial blood collection through manual aspiration from a catheter.


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Syringe size 3 mL3

Draw volume 1.6 mL3

Adjustable plunger for aspirational line draws3

Standardized BD Luer-Lok™ connector

designed for compatibility with arterial lines, catheters, and point-of-care test instruments3

BD Hemogard™ cap

for sample security and clinician safety while mixing3

BD® Critical Care Blood Collection offers safety, simplicity and diagnostic reliability

Safety and simplicity

The BD Preset™ Syringe is offered with and without a pre-attached Eclipse™ needle and is specifically designed to be able to preset a desired volume but permits aspiration when necessary. It also includes a venting system that expels residual air through the self-venting membrane (as blood fills the syringe), which ensures rapid filling. 

The BD A-Line™ Syringe is specifically designed for aspiration of blood samples from arterial lines4

Nurse wth patient

Diagnostic reliability

BD® Critical Care Blood Collection Syringes are spray coated with calcium-balanced lithium heparin to minimize the occurrence of sample clotting while maintaining sample volume and stability.

BD Preset™ and A-Line™ can be used to test several critical care analytes, including: pO2, pCO2, glucose, BUN, lactate, creatinine, hemoglobin, hematocrit, pH and electrolytes (Na, K, iCa, Cl)2,3

Nurse wth patient

Sign up here to learn more about BD® Critical Care Blood Collection. 



  1. Castro D, Patil SM, Zubair M, Keenaghan M. Arterial Blood Gas. 2024 Jan 8. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 202Li Jan-. PMID: 30725604
  2. BD Vacutainer® Eclipse Blood Collection Needle Instructions For Use.
  3. BD Vacutainer® Preset and A-Line Arterial Blood Collection Syringe Instructions For Use.
  4. BD Preset & A-Line 510k letter 2020 K202446
  5. Baird G. Preanalytical considerations in blood gas analysis. Biochem Med (Zagreb). 2013;23:19-27

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Designed to provide diagnostic accuracy, healthcare worker safety and confident care

blood collection, blood collection syringes, phlebotomy, syringes, preset eclipse, metabolic disorders, Arterial Blood Syringes, single-use medical devices, Eclipse™ needle, A-Line Syringe,