
BD Vacutainer® Specimen Management Portfolio

The #1 choice for specimen quality, patient comfort and staff safety1

Female medical professional with mother and daughter

About BD Vacutainer®

What if you could improve specimen quality, enable a secure and comfortable patient experience, and offer a safe working environment for your teams?


Healthcare facilities and laboratories around the country are under pressure due to staffing challenges, staff turnover, stress, lack of time needed for training and increasing testing volumes, all of which impact the quality of care.

Time is of the essence, and when your staff is overwhelmed, they need the right specimen management tools to do their jobs safely and efficiently.

Nurse wth patient

At BD, we understand the issues you face. We provide solutions that help address your biggest challenges, so you can deliver the highest quality service to your facility and the patients it serves. BD Vacutainer® Specimen Management is committed to protect, help and support you – and your team – so that you can do your job every day.

Preferred by professionals

Voted #1 by professionals for high-quality specimen collection, patient comfort and staff safety1


Nurse wth patient

The BD Vacutainer® Specimen Management portfolio is an extensive and comprehensive range of clinically differentiated products, helping to deliver:

  • Specimen integrity and quality
  • Improved patient experience
  • A safe environment for healthcare workers

BD Vacutainer® products are the #1 choice for Specimen Management.1

End-to-end solutions

BD offers a comprehensive range of solutions spanning the entire specimen management continuum and beyond—starting with the clinically-differentiated BD Vacutainer® range of blood and urine specimen collection and specimen management products, to sample analysis and accurate reporting.

Ready to give your nursing, phlebotomy, and laboratory teams what they need to perform at their best? 
Let’s have a conversation


  1. Data on file. Based on the average survey responses of 370 professionals including nurses, phlebotomists, laboratory directors, laboratory managers, and procurement specialists, BD Vacutainer® wingsets, needles and tubes were rated higher than key competitor brands for ensuring overall product quality, sample quality, staff safety and patient comfort. Data collected in May 2023.

Challenges in specimen management

Problems can occur at all points in the diagnostic pathway — potentially impacting result accuracy, timeliness and cost


Up to 75% of diagnostic errors occur outside the lab in the pre-analytical specimen collection phase.2

Nurse wth patient

More than an inconvenience

Poor specimen quality and errors in pre-analytical processes can have negative consequences—for patients and healthcare systems


Issues in the pre-analytical phase can lead to:3

  • Repeated specimen collection
  • Needlestick injuries
  • Delay in treatment and/or unnecessary treatment
  • Increased costs
  • Decreased patient satisfaction


Pre-analytical phase errors

Needlestick injuries

385,000 needlestick injuries and other sharps-related injuries occur to hospital-based personnel each year in the U.S., and it is estimated that just as many go unreported 4

Decreased patient satisfaction

Pain perception during blood collection, multiple attempts to have their blood drawn and the need to recollect blood all have an impact on patient satisfaction.

Repeated specimen collection

An average of 28% of urine specimens were shown to be contaminated in an analysis of eight hospitals in a healthcare network5

Delay in or unnecessary treatment

According to one study, 44.3% of patients were prescribed the wrong antibiotic as the result of contaminated urine cultures6

Increased costs

A 650-bed U.S. hospital spends an estimated $1.2M annually due to pre-analytical errors, or up to 1.2% of total hospital operating costs2




Offer your team the #1 choice1

What if you could improve specimen quality, patient experience and staff safety?


Using high-quality specimen collection products can make all the difference to your team, and make a patient’s experience the best it can be.

Nurse wth patient

BD Vacutainer® is the #1 choice for specimen quality, patient comfort and staff safety.1


  1. Data on file. Based on the average survey responses of 370 professionals including nurses, phlebotomists, laboratory directors, laboratory managers, and procurement specialists, BD Vacutainer® wingsets, needles and tubes were rated higher than key competitor brands for ensuring overall product quality, sample quality, staff safety and patient comfort. Data collected in May 2023.
  2. Green SF. The cost of poor blood specimen quality and errors in preanalytical processes. Clin Biochem. 2013;46(13-14):1175-1179. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiochem.2013.06.001.
  3. Singh H, et al. BMJ Qual Saf. 2014;23(9):727-31.
  4. Phillips E, et al. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. 2013;34(9):935-9.
  5. Garcia, Spitzer ED. Am J Infect Control. 2017;45(10):1143-53.
  6. Klausing BD, et al. Am J Infect Control. 2016;44(10):1166-7.

Leading the way in Specimen Management

Delivering solutions that impact clinicians’ work and patients’ lives


The BD Vacutainer® Specimen Management portfolio is an extensive and comprehensive range of clinically differentiated products, helping to deliver:

  • Specimen quality and integrity
  • Improved patient experience
  • A safe environment for healthcare workers
Nurse wth patient

Specimen quality and integrity

The #1 choice for specimen quality and integrity1


BD Vacutainer® Specimen Management products ensure specimen integrity, consistent quality and provide opportunities to streamline processes to help you deliver the accurate diagnostic test results you need to optimize patient outcomes.

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83% reduction in the number of samples rejected due to hemolysis when collecting blood from intravenous catheters due to the use of BD Vacutainer® Luer-Lok™ Access Device in conjunction with education and training2

Nurse with urine collection cup

21% increase in conclusive tests can be obtained with the closed BD Vacutainer® Urine Collection System compared to using open urine collection systems, highlighting the potential cost savings due to a reduction in retesting3

Improved patient experience

The #1 choice for patient comfort1


Having the right products and solutions can help make sure the patient’s experience is the best it can be through the care continuum.

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50.3% reduction in tube fill time demonstrated by 23-gauge BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ Push Button Blood Collection Set with its ultra-thin wall cannula compared to the same gauge with thin wall technology, which can help improve the overall patient blood collection experience*4

*Tube fill time evaluation is based on a bench study. Bench study results may not necessarily be indicative of clinical performance.

Doctor drawing blood from arm

Statistically significant reductions in overall pain perception during blood collection were demonstrated by the 25-gauge BD Vacutainer® UltraTouch™ Push Button Blood Collection Set in comparison to a competitive 23-gauge blood collection set5

Safe environment for healthcare workers

The #1 choice for staff safety1


BD offers a full portfolio of safety-engineered devices for blood and urine collection that are designed to improve healthcare worker safety while delivering high quality samples.

88% Web Graphics

88% reduction in accidental needlestick injuries with use of the BD Vacutainer® Push Button family of Blood Collection Sets, in comparison to manual safety wingsets6,7

Urine collection from lab personal


BD Vacutainer® Urine collection products maintain a closed system designed to reduce the risk of leaks and exposure for patients and staff

Ready to give your teams what they need to perform at their best? Let’s have a conversation. 


  1. Data on file. Based on the average survey responses of 370 professionals including nurses, phlebotomists, laboratory directors, laboratory managers, and procurement specialists, BD Vacutainer® wingsets, needles and tubes were rated higher than key competitor brands for ensuring overall product quality, sample quality, staff safety and patient comfort. Data collected in May 2023.
  2. Kesapli M, et al. J Nurs Care. 2016;5:3.
  3. Charra F, et al. Med Mal Infect. 2017;47(8):519-25.
  4. BD. White paper VS9249-2. 2021.
  5. Mouser A, et al. J Appl Lab Med. 2017;2(2):201-10.
  6. Hotaling M. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2009;35(2):100-5.
  7. Dicristina DL. Successfully reducing wingset-related needlestick injuries: A combination of institutional culture, staff commitment and semi-passive safety device. AOHP. Spring 2014. Available at:

You can count on BD

Supporting you at each step

BD support services provide world-class expertise to evaluate the interactions between the people, processes and tools used in your healthcare facility.

BD can work with you to help you identify healthcare worker safety issues and sources of pre-analytical errors affecting specimen quality, and diagnostic accuracy, so you can save on avoidable costs and devote more resources to giving your patients the treatment they need.

Nurse wth patient

BD Specimen Management is committed to providing quality education. Check out our recent webinars with ADLM here.

Clinical Services programs

Supporting clinical best practices and optimal outcomes

The BD Clinical Services Program provides an integrated approach designed to evaluate processes along the blood and urine collection pathways and recommend BD solutions for effective specimen management.


Solution design assessments

Onsite review of how samples are collected, handled and transported, with a focus on product, policy and process. Tailored BD product and technology recommendations aimed at addressing your unique needs.

A team with real-world experience

Including nurses, laboratorians, microbiologists, clinicians, healthcare leaders and Lean experts.

Best practice training

Enhancing staff capabilities to help drive quality and support proper product use.

Troubleshooting support

Expert insight to help uncover the root cause of quality challenges.

Domestic manufacturing

Investing for a more resilient supply chain

As a leader in specimen management solutions, we continue to invest in supply chain continuity.

Many of our products are manufactured here in the United States, of domestic and foreign parts, and our global manufacturing footprint is available to support increasing market demand and ensure supply chain continuity.

Nurse wth patient

Ready to give your teams what they need to perform at their best? Let’s have a conversation. 


  1. Data on file. Based on the average survey responses of 370 professionals including nurses, phlebotomists, laboratory directors, laboratory managers, and procurement specialists, BD Vacutainer® wingsets, needles and tubes were rated higher than key competitor brands for ensuring overall product quality, sample quality, staff safety and patient comfort. Data collected in May 2023.
Related products

Ready to give your teams what they need to perform at their best? Let’s have a conversation. 

  1. Data on file. Based on the average survey responses of 370 professionals including nurses, phlebotomists, laboratory directors, laboratory managers, and procurement specialists, BD Vacutainer® wingsets, needles and tubes were rated higher than key competitor brands for ensuring overall product quality, sample quality, staff safety and patient comfort. Data collected in May 2023.
BD Vacutainer® Learn about the BD brand BD Vacutainer BD BD Vacutainer® blood collection, phlebotomy, order of draw, blood testing, vacutainer, specimen collection, blood needle, safety needle, blood transport /content/dam/bd-assets/bd-com/en-us/logos/bd/header-bd-logo.svglogo

The #1 choice for specimen quality, patient comfort and staff safety1