
PureWick™ External Catheter Portfolio

Female and male external catheter options for non-invasive urine output management.

What is the PureWick™ External Catheter?

PureWick™ External Catheters pioneered a non-invasive way to manage adult male and female urinary incontinence.

The PureWick™ External Catheter is the market leader, the choice for many hospitals and healthcare providers managing urinary incontinence in their patients1

Discover the latest addition to the PureWick™ External Catheter portfolio - the PureWick™ Flex Female External Catheter.

  1. Data on file. 2024 sales data. 

    Why does the PureWick™ External Catheter matter?

        It is particularly common among women over the age of 50. Recent studies indicate that over 61% of community-dwelling adult women experience some form of urinary incontinence, with more than 22% experiencing moderate to severe symptoms.2

          Men are no stranger to urinary incontinence either, with 21-32% of men over the age of 65 struggling with this issue.2 The condition can lead to significant psychological distress, social isolation, and a reduced quality of life. Despite its prevelance it remains under-reported and undertreated, particularly among older men.3

          Incontinent patients have longer lengths of stay, are more likely to have sacral pressure injuries, and are more likely to be readmitted.4 Further, nurses work in dynamic clinical environments that are faced with many challenges including workload, staff shortages, and turnover. This care context demonsrates the importance of having the right product for the right patient.

          1. Patel, Ushma J. MD; Godecker, Amy L. PhD; Giles, Dobie L. MBA; Brown, Heidi W. MD, MAS. Updated Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence in Women: 2014-2018 National Population-Based Survey Data. Female Pelvic Medicine & Reconstructive Surgery  28(4):p 181-187, April 2022. | DOI: 10.1097/SPV.0000000000001127.
          PureWick™ External Catheter: Pioneering the past, shaping the future.

          The story of PureWick™ External Catheter began with a home-visiting physician, Dr. Camille Newton. During a house call, she encountered a devoted husband caring for his wife, who was suffering from a sacral ulcer due to urinary incontinence. Despite his efforts to keep her dry by changing her frequently and rolling her a night, he was at a loss for what more he could do.        

            On her next visit, Dr. Newton was amazed to find that the husband had crafted a device to help his wife. Using a piece of PVC pipe, he drilled holes in it, wrapped it in napkins, and secured it with rubber bands. This makeshift device included a tube leading to a jar with a cork and another tube connected to an aquarium pump. By placing this device between her gluteus and labia at night, he managed to keep her dry until morning.

            Recognizing the potential of this invention to help women worldwide, Dr. Newton collaborated with the inventor and her own husband to patent the device, form a company, and bring it to market. This marked the invention of the world's first external device designed for incontinent female patients.

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            Dr. Camille Newton and a patient's husband founded the female external catheter we now know as PureWick™ External Catheter.


            C. R. Bard, Inc., now a BD company, acquires and commercializes the PureWick™ Female External Catheter.


            BD develops and launches the PureWick™ Male External Catheter, designed for men who do not fit a condom catheter.6


            BD launches the next generation female external catheter - PureWick™ Flex Female External Catheter, designed to accommodate a range of body types.

            PureWick™ External Catheters stand as a testament to the power of innovation and dedication to patient care, based on valuable feedback from clinicians. Discover the PureWick™ External Catheter difference: click the links below to learn more about each of our innovative products.

            Data on file. Online nursing survey (N=149)>

            Related Products
            1. Data on file. 2024 sales data.
            2. Anger JT, Saigal CS, Stothers L. Thom DH, Rodriguez LV, Litwin MS, et al. The  Prevalence of Urinary Incontinence Among Community Dwelliing Men: Results From the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Journal of Urology [Internet]. 2006 Nov 1 [cited 2024 Aug 14];176(5):2103-8. Availlabel from:
            3. Hu JS, Pierre EF. Urinary Incontinence in Women: Evaluation and Management. AM Fam Physician. 2019 Sep 15;100(6):339-348. PMID: 31524367.
            4. Olagundoye, O., Odusanya, B., Kung, J.Y. et al. A scoping review of risk factors for urinary incontinence in older men. BMC Geriatr 23, 534 (2003).
            5. Datar M, Pan LC, McKinney JL, Goss TF, Pulliam SJ. Healthcare resource use and cost of burden of urinary incontinence to United States payers. Neurourol Urodyn. 2022 Sep;41(7):1553-1562. doi: 10,1002/nau.24989. Epub 2022 Jun 16. PMID: 35708134; PMICD: P<C9542745.
            6. Gray M, Kaler W, Skinner C. External collection devices as an alternative to the indwelling urinary catheter. Journal of Wound, Ostomy & Continence Nursing. 2016;43 (4):413. 

            PureWick™ Flex Female External Catheter

            The PureWick™ Flex Female External Catheter is intended for non-invasive urine output management in adult users with female anatomy, for conditions such as urinary incontinence.


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            PureWick Male LP image

            PureWick™ Male External Catheter

            The PureWick™ Male External Catheter is intended for non-invasive urine output management, such as urinary incontinence, in users with male anatomy.


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            PureWick™ Female External Catheter

            The PureWick™ Female External Catheter is intended for non-invasive urine output management in female patients.


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            PureWick™ Urine Collection System

            With the PureWick™ System, your patients can benefit from the PureWick™ portfolio of products across the hospital and home.


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            PureWick External Catheter Portfolio BD PureWick™ purewick, female, external, catheter, female external catheter, urine, leakage, male, male external catheter, urinary, leakage, PrimaFit, Eco-cath, TrueClr, InView, QiVi, urinary incontinence, non-invasive, condom catheter, penil sheath, urine collection, drainage bag, silicone catheter, latex catheter, skin protection, wick, wicking, urine management, urology, urological, urologist, cooter canoe, coochie kayak /content/dam/bd-assets/bd-com/en-us/logos/bd/header-bd-logo.svglogo

            Female and male external catheter options for non-invasive urine output management.