Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation RIA End of Support


Microsoft has ended extended support for Windows Communication Foundation RIA (WCF RIA) services as of Sept. 8, 2020. As a result, Microsoft will no longer provide security updates/patches for WCF RIA.

Mitigations & Compensating Controls

The list below identifies impacted BD applications and the availability of updated versions with WCF RIA removed. The list provided below is not comprehensive and may be updated as more applications are identified.

BD ApplicationsUpdate AvailabilityUpdated Version
BD Care Coordination Engine (CCE) – BD Pyxis (see below for specific BD Pyxis products)Now availablev1.6.0
BD Care Coordination Engine (CCE) – All OtherNow availablev1.6.3
Restock Order – BD Pyxis*Now availablev5.0


You will receive the updated versions of Care Coordination Engine (CCE) and Restock Order (Pyxis only) at your next scheduled BD product upgrade. If not yet scheduled, please contact your BD service representative. Following is a list of products that use Care Coordination Engine (CCE) and Restock Order (Pyxis only).

  • BD Alaris™
  • BD Arctic Sun™ Stat TTM
  • BD HealthSight™
  • BD Pyxis™ PARx™
  • BD Pyxis™ CIISafe and CIISafe ES
  • BD Pyxis™ Enterprise Server
  • BD Pyxis™ IV Prep/BD Cato™
  • BD Pyxis™ Logistics
  • BD Pyxis™ MedStation 4000
  • BD Pyxis™ SupplyStation*
  • BD Pyxis™ Procedure Station™ system with Tissue and Implant module
  • BD Rowa™ VMax
  • BD Synapsys™
  • BD Sensica™ Urine Output
  • BD Site-Rite™ Ultrasound Guidance

*Leverages Restock Order


BD is currently updating and removing WCF RIA in existing products.