
Animal Health

Advancing the world of health



BD is a 120 year-old worldwide leading medical technology company. 


Together with veterinarians, we have developed a selection of products and technologies adapted to the needs of veterinarians and companion animals.

In this journey, we are committed to providing high-quality products and innovative technologies, elevating the level of care in your practice.

Our Solutions

Injection products

BD has a syringe, needle and disposal system for many injection applications; such as routine injections, vaccinations and anaesthesia. The BD hypodermic products are designed to provide quality, performance and comfort for the entire veterinary team.



The BD portfolio of conventional hypodermic products includes syringes, needles and syringes with pre-attached needles.

Conventional syringes and needles catalogue 

Choose syringe and needle technology that makes a difference

  • Our conventional needles include BD Microlance™ needles, which are available in a wide range of gauges, lengths and bevel designs
  • BD conventional syringes are available with and without an attached needle
  • Our BD Emerald™ Syringes ensure quality while minimising environmental impact by using up to 30% less material than other syringes*, incorporate non-toxic materials, and are produced in
    Spain with 100% renewable energy**.


* Data on file. Based on combined average of leading syringe brands worldwide.
** BD Fraga plant (Spain).


    Safety engineered needles decrease the risk of needlestick injuries and associated contamination issues. 

    Safety syringes and needles catalogue


    BD has produced regional anaesthesia products for more than a century, and is now offering an NRFit range.

    Anaesthesia catalogue



    A complete range of IV therapy medical devices:


    • Peripheral Intravenous catheters
    • Primary and Secondary sets (including large animal IV sets)
    • Extension sets and accessories 

    Infusion Disposables

    BD offers a wide range of infusion disposables as well as a broad selection of accessories for nearly every possible situation in infusion therapy.

    Primary and Secondary Sets

    Extension Sets and Accessories

    Large Animal IV Sets

    • DEHP-free, PVC-free, low sorbing, light resistant, with filter, stopcocks, manifolds, flow controllers
    • Vented/non vented versatility: most sets can be used with a bag or a bottle

    IV Catheters

    BD IV catheters leverage proprietary technologies and advanced features to help you optimize patient care and improve clinical outcomes. They have been especially selected to fit veterinarian needs.

    IV Catheters catalogue

    Source: Field & KOL consolidation 2019 - JNB - PM Europe MDS B2B

    Prefilled flush syringes

    BD PosiFlush™ saline prefilled syringes, filled with saline, provide a fully integrated​ system designed to satisfy your flushing needs.

    Prefilled Flush Syringes catalogue

    • BD PosiFlush™ SP has a sterile fluid path, designed for all standard IV flush procedures and compliant with Aseptic Non Touch Technique (ANTT®)*.
    • BD PosiFlush™ XS is externally sterile, designed for surgical ANTT®* requiring critical management of a sterile field.
    Oncology products

    With the increasing risk of hazardous drug exposure in the veterinary practice, devices protecting healthcare workers have become a priority.

    As stated in the ACVIM 2018 consensus, use of a closed system drug transfer device (CSTD) (such as BD Phaseal™) is recommended during preparation and administration of cytotoxic drugs. A CSTD mechanically prevents the escape of a drug or vapor out of the system into the environment.

    To help prevent occupational exposure to hazardous drugs, BD offers a complete system of products that provide safe handling of hazardous drugs from end-to-end: drug mixing, preparation and delivery.

    BD PhaSeal™ system

    BD PhaSeal™ is clinically demonstrated to reduce personnel exposure to hazardous drugs. A protection for you and your staff when hazardous drugs are involved to avoid potential health risk with even limited or infrequent exposure. 

    Hazardous Drug Safety catalogue

    • BD PhaSeal™ is designed with dry, leak-proof connections – preventing exposure when connecting and disconnecting from vials, syringes, IV bags and animal IV lines.

    • The system is based on three primary components: Protector, Injector and Connector. They come in a range of sizes to meet the specific requirements and preferences.

    • The sealed airtight chamber of the Protector captures aerosols and vapors while maintaining equal pressure in the vial during drug preparation.

    • The Injector ensures sealed drug transfer and “locks” into safe mode when the procedure is complete to prevent any risk of exposure.

    • Drug Vial Sterility maintained for up to 168 hours
    Contact Us

    Contact BD about animal health products.


    BD is a medical technology company that serves human and pet healthcare institutions, life science research, clinical laboratories, industry and the general public. BD manufactures and sells a broad range of medical supplies, devices, laboratory equipment and diagnostic products. 

    United Kingdom & Ireland & Nordics

    Kirsty Sanders
    Tel: +44 7919 290078


    Frederic Lorenzi
    Tel: +33 6 47 16 86 77


    Javier Campomanes
    Tel: +34 647 324 971
