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Safe-T-Centesis™ drainage system

Put safety first in thoracentesis and paracentesis

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The Safe-T-Centesis™ thoracentesis/paracentesis device can help reduce risks of percutaneous needle drainage. During thoracentesis and paracentesis procedures, the latex-free device can also help enhance patient comfort and procedural flexibility.

Features and Benefits

Advanced catheter design

The silicone-coated pigtail catheter, in 6 Fr or 8 Fr sizes, allows secure placement and occlusion resistance.

Built-in safety features

A blunt obturator with a colour safety indicator offers protection from needlesticks and indicates anatomical contact.


The unique self-sealing valve allows the needle to be reinserted, adding procedural flexibility.

Multiple drainage options

The system includes connections to facilitate three different drainage options: manual, vacuum bottle and wall suction.

Safe-T-Centesis™ drainage system BD Safe-T-Centesis™ Drainage system

Advanced catheter design


The silicone-coated pigtail catheter, in 6 Fr or 8 Fr sizes, allows secure placement and occlusion resistance.


Built-in safety features


A blunt obturator with a colour safety indicator offers protection from needlesticks and indicates anatomical contact.




The unique self-sealing valve allows the needle to be reinserted, adding procedural flexibility.


Multiple drainage options


The system includes connections to facilitate three different drainage options: manual, vacuum bottle and wall suction.


Put safety first in thoracentesis and paracentesis

thoracentesis procedure, paracentesis procedure