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PowerPICC™ Catheter

Experience the efficiency of power injection for CECT (Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography) scans and PICC therapy

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PowerPICC Catheter Hero


  • Maximum Injection Rates at 5 mL/sec
  • Easy Identification
  • Easy-to-Read I.D. Tags
  • Multiple Tray Configurations
  • StatLock™ Stabilisation Device Compatible
  • Reverse Taper Design
  • Indicated for Central Venous Pressure (CVP) Monitoring
  • Designed for Patient Comfort

PowerPICC™ catheters combine the efficacy of PICC access and power injection into one catheter.

Features and Benefits

Maximum Injection Rates

PowerPICC™ catheters allow injection of contrast media for CECT (Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography) scans at a maximum rate of 5 mL/sec.1

StatLock™ Stabilisation Device Compatible

Safety securement designed for extended-dwell catheters.

Clearly Labeled

The Power of Purple® . . . PowerPICC™ catheters are clearly labeled to differentiate them from all PICCs not indicated for power injection.

Single, Dual and Triple Lumen Catheters

Available in 3 and 4 French single-lumen, 4 and 5 French dual-lumen, 5 and 6 French triple-lumen sizes.

Central Venous Pressure (CVP) Monitoring

All PowerPICC™ catheters are indicated for CVP monitoring.2

5 Fr Dual Lumen PowerPICC™ FT (Flexible Tip) Catheter

In addition to the reverse taper gently plugging the venotomy site, the PowerPICC™ FT catheter provides a smaller diameter, more flexible middle section for the smaller peripheral deep veins of the upper arm and a larger diameter distal tip for the larger central veins.

Easy-to-Read I.D. Tags

Indicate maximum injection rates and prompts users to check catheter patency

Reverse Taper Design

Gently plugs the insertion site and provides excellent kink resistance

Multiple tray configurations

Available in basic and full tray configurations

Patient Satisfaction

Designed to decrease needle stick injuries to improve patient comfort 

Related Products


Multiple Tray Options for Clinician Convenience

Tray Configurations

Available in basic and full tray configurations.

PowerPICC™ trays are designed to follow Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) insertion procedural steps.

PowerPICC™ catheter is available with the Sherlock 3CG™ Diamond Tip Confirmation System (TCS). The Sherlock 3CG™ Diamond TCS enables confirmation of PICC tip position3 at the bedside, and immediate release of the PICC in addition to eliminating costs associated with confirmatory chest X-ray.4

Dedicated Intervention Radiology tray with a choice of 70cm or 135cm Nitinol Guidewire and longer Microintroducer (10cm) for the IR placer.

Latex-free components for clinicians/patients with latex allergies.

Full procedural tray that includes maximal barrier components enabling clinicians to meet best practice guidelines outlined by:

    • EPIC3 - Department of Health, United Kingdom5
    • Centres for Disease Control (CDC), USA6
    • Infusion Nurses Society (INS), USA7

    Tray Components

    DescriptionBasic Tray
    PowerPICC™ Catheter /
    PowerPICC™ SV / FT / HF Catheters
    Basic Tray
    PowerPICC™ SV / FT / HF Catheters
    with Sherlock 3CG™ TPS Stylet
    Full Tray 
    PowerPICC™ Catheter /
    PowerPICC™ SV / FT / HF Catheters
    PowerPICC™ Catheter111
    Syringe, 12 mL112 - 4*

    Syringe, 6 mL


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT/HF Catheters only
    StatLock™ Stabilisation Device111
    Introducer, Safety Peripheral IV Catheter 20G111
    PowerPICC™ Catheter only
    Measuring Tape112
    Flexura™ Guidewire111
    Safety Scalpel111
    Needle, Introducer 21G111
    End Cap1-3*1-3*1-3*
    MicroEZ™ Microintroducer111
    Sherlock™ Sensor Holder 1 
    ECG Leads Assembly 1 
    Blue Elastic Band 2 
    Remote Control Holder 1 
    Bouffant Cap  1
    Towel, Absorbent  1-2*

    Aspiration Device


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT/HF Catheters only

    Tape Strips (3 per)


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT/HF Catheters only

    Cup, 2 fl. oz. (60 mL)


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT/HF Catheters only
    Gauze, 10 cm x 10 cm (4 in. x 4 in.)  10
    Gauze, 5 cm x 5 cm (2 in. x 2 in.)  3-6*
    Mask  1-2*
    Gown  1
    Adhesive Dressing  1
    Drape, Fenestrated, Full-Body  1
    Gloves (1 pair)  1
    Tourniquet  1
    Scissors  1
    Drape, Absorbent  1-2*
    Needle, Safety Hypodermic  1-2*

    Needle Guides


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT/HF Catheters only

    Probe Cover


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT/HF Catheters only

    Elastic Bands


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT/HF Catheters only
    Conductive Gel (Sterilised by irradiation)  1
    PowerPICC™ SV/FT/HF Catheters only


    * Depending on the tray ordered, these component quantities will differ


    DescriptionFull Tray
    PowerPICC™Catheter /
    PowerPICC™ SV / FT Catheters
    with Sherlock 3CG™ TPS
    Bedside Tray
    PowerPICC™Catheter /
    PowerPICC™ HF Catheter with Sherlock 3CG™ (UK, Spain & Italy)
    Radiology Basic Tray 
    PowerPICC™Catheter /
    PowerPICC™ SV / FT / HF Catheters with Guidewire Length
    70 cm / 135 cm
    PowerPICC™ Catheter111
    Syringe2-4 *2-4*1
    StatLock™ Stabilisation Device111
    Introducer, Safety Peripheral IV Catheter 20G1
    PowerPICC™ Catheter only
    Measuring Tape221
    Flexura™ Guidewire11 
    Safety Scalpel111
    Needle, Introducer 21G111
    End Cap1-3*1-3*1-3*
    MicroEZ™ Microintroducer111
    Sherlock™ Sensor Holder11 
    ECG Leads Assembly11 
    Blue Elastic Band22 

    ECG Electrodes (3 per pouch) 


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT Catheters only
    Nitinol Guidewire  1
    Insertion Stylet with Hydro-Glide™ Coating  1
    70 cm Guidwire length only
    Remote Control Holder11 
    Bouffant Cap11 
    Towel, Absorbent1-2*2 

    Aspiration Device


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT Catheters only

    Tape Strips (3 per)


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT Catheters only

    Cup, 2 fl. oz. (60 mL)


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT Catheters only
    Gauze, 10 cm x 10 cm (4 in. x 4 in.)1010 
    Gauze, 5 cm x 5 cm (2 in. x 2 in.)3-6*3 
    Adhesive Dressing11 
    Drape, Fenestrated, Full-Body11 
    Gloves (1 pair)11 
    Drape, Absorbent1-2*2 
    Needle, Safety Hypodermic1-2*2 

    Needle Guides


    PowerPICC™ SV/FT Catheters only
    Probe Cover11 
    Elastic Band11 
    Conductive Gel (Sterilised by irradiation)11 


    * Depending on the tray ordered, these component quantities will differ




    Please note, not all products, services or features of products and services may be available in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.


    Available sizes: 3 Fr. and 4 Fr. Single-Lumen, 4 Fr. and 5 Fr. Dual-Lumen, and 5 Fr. and 6 Fr. Triple-Lumen

    Please consult product labels, IFU, and package inserts for any indications, contraindications, hazards, warnings, cautions, and instructions for use.


    1. Bard PowerPicc™. Instruction For Use. 2008.0712209 0803R.Indications
    2. Bard PowerPicc™. Instruction For Use. 2008.0712209 0803R.CVP monitoring
    3. Bard Sherlock 3CG™ Tip Confirmation System. Instruction For Use with SiteRite™ 8 Ultrasound system. June 2015. 0712209 0803R 1.1
    4. NICE guidelines 2015. The Sherlock 3CG Tip Confirmation System for placement of peripherally inserted central catheters.Chapter 6.
    5. Epic3: National Evidence-Based Guidelines for Preventing Healthcare-Associated Infections in NHS Hospitals in England. Journal of Hospital Infection 86S1 (2014) S1-S70
    6. CDC Guidelines.”Guidelines for the Prevention of Intravascular Catheter-Related Infections”. 2011
    7. Gorski, L. A., Hadaway L. et al. Infusion Therapy, 8th Edition, 2021. Journal of Infusion Nursing. S97.


    PowerPICC™ Catheter BD PowerPICC™ Catheters

    Maximum Injection Rates


    PowerPICC™ catheters allow injection of contrast media for CECT (Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography) scans at a maximum rate of 5 mL/sec.1


    StatLock™ Stabilisation Device Compatible


    Safety securement designed for extended-dwell catheters.


    Clearly Labeled


    The Power of Purple® . . . PowerPICC™ catheters are clearly labeled to differentiate them from all PICCs not indicated for power injection.


    Single, Dual and Triple Lumen Catheters


    Available in 3 and 4 French single-lumen, 4 and 5 French dual-lumen, 5 and 6 French triple-lumen sizes.


    Central Venous Pressure (CVP) Monitoring


    All PowerPICC™ catheters are indicated for CVP monitoring.2


    5 Fr Dual Lumen PowerPICC™ FT (Flexible Tip) Catheter


    In addition to the reverse taper gently plugging the venotomy site, the PowerPICC™ FT catheter provides a smaller diameter, more flexible middle section for the smaller peripheral deep veins of the upper arm and a larger diameter distal tip for the larger central veins.


    Easy-to-Read I.D. Tags


    Indicate maximum injection rates and prompts users to check catheter patency


    Reverse Taper Design


    Gently plugs the insertion site and provides excellent kink resistance


    Multiple tray configurations


    Available in basic and full tray configurations


    Patient Satisfaction


    Designed to decrease needle stick injuries to improve patient comfort 


    Available in basic and full tray configurations.


    PowerPICC™ trays are designed to follow Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC) insertion procedural steps.


    PowerPICC™ catheter is available with the Sherlock 3CG™ Diamond Tip Confirmation System (TCS). The Sherlock 3CG™ Diamond TCS enables confirmation of PICC tip position3 at the bedside, and immediate release of the PICC in addition to eliminating costs associated with confirmatory chest X-ray.4


    Dedicated Intervention Radiology tray with a choice of 70cm or 135cm Nitinol Guidewire and longer Microintroducer (10cm) for the IR placer.


    Latex-free components for clinicians/patients with latex allergies.


    Full procedural tray that includes maximal barrier components enabling clinicians to meet best practice guidelines outlined by:

      • EPIC3 - Department of Health, United Kingdom5
      • Centres for Disease Control (CDC), USA6
      • Infusion Nurses Society (INS), USA7

      Experience the efficiency of power injection for CECT (Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography) scans and PICC therapy