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Echo 2™ Positioning System

Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair Positioning System

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A consistent, reproducible technique

The Echo 2™ Positioning System is a deployment and positioning device that comes attached to Ventralight™ ST Mesh. It facilitates mesh positioning and centering over the hernia defect, for a consistent, reproducible technique.

Features and Benefits

A consistent, reproducible technique:

The Echo 2™ Positioning System is intended to aid with:

  • Accurate mesh placement, positioning, and overlap1,3
  • Decreasing operative time 1,3
Accurate mesh overlap and centering can improve results
Accurate mesh overlap and centering can improve results

Literature suggests:

  • Accurately centered mesh with appropriate overlap has shown to reduce the risk of mesh shift and recurrence 1,2
  • Inaccurate mesh overlap in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair can result in postoperative mesh shift and recurrence 1,2



  1. LeBlanc K. “Proper mesh overlap is a key determinant in hernia recurrence following laparoscopic ventral and incisional hernia repair“ Hernia 2016 Feb;20(1):85-99.

  2. Liang MK, Clapp ML, Garcia A, Subramanian A, Awad SS. “Mesh shift following laparoscopic ventral hernia repair.” J Surg Res. 2012 Sep;177(1):e7-13.

  3. Tollens T, Topal H, Ovaere S, Beunis A, Vermeiren K, Aelvoet C. “Prospective analysis of ventral hernia repair using the Ventralight™ ST hernia patch.” Surg Technol Int. 2013 Sep;23:113-6.

  4. References available upon request.


  • Not all products, services, claims or features of products may be available or valid in your local area. Please check with your local BD representative.

  • Please consult product labels and instructions for use for indications, contradictions, hazards, warnings, and precautions.



Echo 2™ Positioning System BD Echo 2™ Positioning System

A consistent, reproducible technique:


The Echo 2™ Positioning System is intended to aid with:

  • Accurate mesh placement, positioning, and overlap1,3
  • Decreasing operative time 1,3
,Accurate mesh overlap and centering can improve results,

Literature suggests:

  • Accurately centered mesh with appropriate overlap has shown to reduce the risk of mesh shift and recurrence 1,2
  • Inaccurate mesh overlap in laparoscopic ventral hernia repair can result in postoperative mesh shift and recurrence 1,2

Laparoscopic Ventral Hernia Repair Positioning System

echo positioning system (40 AMS), ventral hernia repair (2,900 AMS)