Environmental, Social, and Governance


Global Public Health

Working to strengthen healthcare systems across the world by developing and deploying market-appropriate solutions

BD Global Public Health works to align activities, priorities and development efforts around the world's leading public health needs. We drive access to existing BD solutions and develop and deploy innovations to address priority health needs in areas aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

To achieve positive societal outcomes, we utilize various methods including innovative commercial business models, public-private partnerships, market development activities and global advocacy. Established in 2004, BD Global Public Health champions private sector engagement with international agencies, nongovernmental organizations and governments on global, regional and local levels with a goal to enhance access to health for all people.

Antimicrobial Resistance

Collectively, these capabilities enhance our customers' ability to contain AMR and achieve effective antimicrobial stewardship. BD Global Health has aligned its strategic priorities in India in line with the National Action Plan on AMR release by Government of India in April 2017. 

Recent initiatives on AMR undertaken by BD India:

1. High level AMR Summit: BD Global Public Health organized Antimicrobial Resistance Summit with the theme of “Advancing Lab Capacity, Surveillance and Diagnostic Stewardship to Combat AMR” on September 29th, 2022, in New Delhi that was attended by about 60 senior & eminent officials and thought leaders (from NCDC, ICMR, WHO, FAO, BIRAC, CDC, FIND, PATH, ICAR, FICCI), distinguished Infectious Disease physicians & Lab experts from public and private sectors to discuss and deliberate on key issues around AMR. Two key recommendations from this summit are the adoption of ID/AST automation and lab information systems at all levels of healthcare and enhanced investments in the laboratory infrastructure and capacity upgradation to detect AMR pathogens in an accurate and timely manner​. 


2. Awareness and Capacity building: BD has partnered with London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine (LSHTM) to develop a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) titled "Role of Diagnostics in the AMR response.” In India, this MOOC was rolled out by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) wherein >1,500 health care professionals completed this course over 2 rounds.

Infectious Diseases

BD India is a platinum tier member of Corporate TB Pledge aimed at galvanizing support from the private sector in India towards TB elimination. As a platinum member of Corporate TB Pledge (an initiative of USAID and NTEP), and to further its commitment to support NTEP, BD has rolled out project SANKALP-A Pledge to fight TB. The project encompasses a comprehensive approach and aims to support TB patients’ journey to facilitate early detection, timely management, and cure along with system strengthening in alignment with NTEP algorithms & guidelines. These interventions are resulting in significantly increased case detection & notifications, improved awareness within the community and healthcare providers for reduced stigma & proper referrals to the program as well as timely treatment initiation & therapy adherence. In just 10 months of its on-ground roll out, ~125,000 people have been screened for TB like symptoms through active case finding in Khol TBU of District Rewari. After diagnostic testing with Chest X ray and CBNAAT of the presumptive TB cases, 128 new TB patients have been identified through this process. All such patients as well as their contacts are diligently followed up and supported by SANKALP team for accessing timely management & treatment as needed through close collaboration with the District TB officials and facilities. More than 50% of these patients have successfully completed their TB treatment while the rest are being followed diligently. Project SANKALP will continue to stay closely connected with the community and stakeholders in Rewari and leverage local talent to make a difference for sustainable impact!!


Family planning

Expanding access to needed contraceptive options

It is estimated that more than a million maternal and infant deaths could be avoided simply by filling the unmet need for family planning services, allowing women to delay motherhood, space births, avoid unintended pregnancies and unsafe abortions, and stop childbearing when they reach their desired family size.

BD Global Health is aligned with the goal of making reliable modern contraceptives available to women in the developing world. To that effect, BD has been working to advance access by partnering on contraception available to another 120 million women in the developing world. BD has been working to advance access by partnering on Sayana® Press, an all-in-one injectable contraceptive system that utilises the BD Uniject™ pre-fillable auto-disable injection system .Sayana Press is compact, discreet and easy to transport, and requires basic training - making it especially suitable for community-based distribution, and for women who choose to administer through self-injection if approved locally and after health care worker instruction. Because of its unique contraceptive delivery technology, Sayana Press can be provided in low-resource, non-clinic settings, potentially transforming the way in which women can access and receive their preferred method of contraception.

Melinda Gates on Family Planning advancements in emerging nations

Maternal and newborn health

Working to ensure that innovations reach the women and children who need them the most

When a mother or newborn dies during childbirth, it devastates families and communities. The importance of maternal newborn health is highlighted in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as the first targets under SDG 3: Good Health and Well-Being are to reduce the maternal mortality ratio and end preventable newborn deaths. The international community is mobilizing to achieve these goals, and calling on the private sector to play an important role in bringing innovations to scale. That is why BD Global Health has been working to develop and commercialize innovations that address the leading causes of maternal and neonatal mortality and morbidity.

BD is also an active advocate for efforts aimed at ending preventable maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity, including providing funding, scaling up innovations and making essential commodities available. BD is also part of the private sector delegation for the Partnership for Maternal Newborn Health and the Global Financing Facility and has made commitments via Every Woman, Every Child.

Shared Value

Addressing unmet societal needs with profitable business models

As a company, BD embraces the strategy of shared value.

BD Global Public Health utilizes various methods to achieve positive societal outcomes including public-private partnerships, market development and public policy. BD also works with external funders and scientific collaborators to incubate global health technologies that address unmet needs in emerging nations.

BD has made the following notable advancements:


Read more about the Shared Value Initiative


At BD, we view sustainability as a portfolio of complementary initiatives and actions that help us achieve our purpose of advancing the world of health. We see the modern social and environmental challenges our world faces as opportunities to make a difference while strengthening our company.



Our sustainability strategy has evolved to focus on our role in addressing the wide range of challenges facing our industry, our society and the planet. To further enable our progress, we remain focused on shared value creation, which is how we address unmet societal needs through business models and initiatives that also contribute to the commercial success of BD.

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UN Sustainable Development Goals

At BD, we actively evaluate how we can mobilize and contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), through our product and service offerings, as well as collaborative efforts across various sectors-most prominently around SDG3, for good health and well-being. The two case studies below demonstrate our efforts to advance the SDGs.

Learn more about our work in Global Health »

Our 2030+ Impact Areas

Minimize our contribution to global emissions and utilize our capabilities to address unmet health needs for climate-vulnerable populations.

Reduce the environmental impact of our portfolio and address the sustainability needs of our customers.

Create a supply chain adaptable to disruption and able to contribute to strong environmental and social performance.

Maintain a healthy and thriving workforce that cultivates our culture of inclusion, safety, well-being and contributes to community health.

Invite trust across stakeholder groups through transparent performance reporting on environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues relevant to our business.

Social Investing

At BD, we're passionate about advancing the world of health—and that passion extends through our approach to social investing. Our company values guide us to "do what's right," "take personal responsibility," and to "respect, collaborate with, challenge and care about each other." And those commitments apply not just to the way we do business—but also to the ways we give back to the local and global community.

We leverage our expertise to collaborate with leading nonprofit organizations to address unmet healthcare needs. We focus on improving healthcare access and strengthening the capacity of health systems to care for all patients, especially the most vulnerable. 

Encouraging Associate Engagement and Volunteerism

BD encourages its employees to get involved and give back to their local communities. 


We are the Makers of Possible:

Inclusion, Diversity and Equity at BD

We are the people who give possibilities purpose, and our Purpose serves as a foundation for who we are as a company. Our inclusion, diversity and equity (ID&E) goals fulfill our Purpose, empower our workforce, drive innovation, and create a more inclusive environment. And we’re always working to reinvent the future of healthcare, to discover possibilities that once seemed unimaginable. This has enabled us to establish ourselves as the backbone of healthcare on which many health systems depend.

We are committed to maintaining a healthy and thriving workforce that cultivates our culture of inclusion, safety and well-being. Our inclusion, diversity and equity efforts, supported by our Associate Resource Groups, policies and programs, facilitate an environment where our associates are included in key decisions and play a crucial role in developing the transformative solutions that impact lives around the globe. Our progress in ID&E drives our culture, differentiates us as a company, and is vital to our ability to achieve dynamic leadership in the MedTech industry.


2022 Global Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Report

U.S. Federal Employment Information Report (EEO-1)

 Our most recently filed U.S. Federal Employment Information Report (EEO-1) is available for download. The data in the consolidated EEO-1 report is based on BD’s population in the U.S. in December 2021 and reflects BD’s U.S. workforce as of that time.  The EEO-1 report requires that we categorize employees into ten broad EEO-1 Component 1 Data Collection Job Categories. These categories do not necessarily match the job levels in which BD organizes its workforce and evaluates its diversity and inclusion data. Thus, meaningful comparisons between EEO-1 Report data and other descriptions of BD’s diversity statistics and disclosures may not be possible.



Cautionary statement regarding forward-looking statements

This report contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws regarding the BD ID&E strategy, goals, commitments and objectives. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed, projected, anticipated or implied in such statements. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, may be forward-looking statements. Some forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “plan,” “expect,” “believe,” “intend,” “will,” “may,” “anticipate,” estimate,” “target,” and other words of similar meaning. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are, and will be, based on management’s then-current views and assumptions regarding future events, developments and operating performance, and speak only as of their dates.

Statements regarding the company’s goals, commitments and objectives may include statistics or metrics that are based on estimates and assumptions. Such goals, commitments and objectives are not intended to be promises or guarantees, and actual results may differ, possibly materially. It is not possible to predict or identify all of these risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ, many of which are beyond the company’s control, including, without limitation, challenges relating to economic, competitive, governmental and technological factors affecting the company’s operations, markets and products, and other factors listed in the BD 2022 Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). BD expressly disclaims any undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements set forth herein to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, except as required by applicable law or regulation.

The inclusion of information in this report should not be construed as a characterization regarding the materiality or financial impact of that information. For additional information regarding BD, please see our 2022 Annual Report on Form 10-K and other filings with the SEC.

This report contains links to external websites or references to third parties. Such links or websites are not endorsements of any products or services on such sites, and no information in such site has been endorsed or approved by BD or incorporated into this report.

To find out more about ID&E and sustainability at BD or to provide feedback on our reporting, please contact BD_Sustainability_Office@bd.com.

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