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BD Accuri™ C6 Plus Personal Flow Cytometer

The cell analyzer with capabilities to bring flow cytometry even more within reach for new and experienced researchers alike


The BD Accuri™ C6 Plus Flow Cytometer, with its compact 11 x 14.75 x 16.5-inch footprint, light weight of 30 lb and operational simplicity, supports a wide variety of applications including immunology, cell and cancer biology, plant and microbiology and industrial applications. This portable and compact cell analyzer holds the analytical power of a cytometer twice its size. Used in thousands of research studies, the BD Accuri™ C6 Plus System provides an easy-to-use option to your research toolbox.


Get kits and templates for the BD Accuri C6 Plus Personal Flow Cytometer (also work with the discontinued BD Accuri C6 Personal Flow Cytometer).



The BD Accuri™ C6 Plus Cell Analyzer Provides Simplicity and Sensitivity on Your Benchtop 



  • Equipped with a blue and red laser, two light scatter detectors and four fluorescence detectors with optical filters optimized for the detection of many popular fluorochromes, including FITC, PE, PerCP-Cy5.5 and APC
  • Easy to use with no need to adjust detector voltage
  • Data are digitally collected over a wide dynamic range and are fully available to you as needed, eliminating the risk of data loss due to incorrect settings
  • Software functions such as Zoom and VirtualGain allow visualization of data at any scale, so you can precisely set gates and regions
  • Extraordinary fluorescence sensitivity with optical and fluidic design provide the ability to withstand rugged conditions. Provided the system is anchored, it can run samples even if the benchtop is in motion, such as aboard a ship


Find out about BD Accuri™ C6 Plus System fluorochrome support.

Excitation Wavelength Fluorochromes/Dyes Standard Filter Optional Filter
488 nm FITC, BB515, Alexa Fluor™ 488, CFSE 533/30 -
GFP 533/30 510/15
JC-1, Fluo-4 AM, SYBR™Green  533/30 -
YFP  533/30 540/20
PE, JC-1, BD™ MitoStatus TMRE  585/40 -
OFP  585/40 565/20
Propidium Iodide  585/40, 670 LP 610/20
BD Horizon™ PE-CF594  670 LP 670 LP>610/20
RFP, mCherry, dsRed  670 LP 610/20
PerCP, PE-Cy5  670 LP -
PerCP-Cy5.5  670 LP 670 LP>-
7-AAD  670 LP 670 LP>780/60
PE Cy7  670 LP 780/60
640 nm APC, BD™ MitoStatus Red, Alexa Fluor™ 647 675/25 LP -
APC-H7, APC-Cy7  670 LP 780/60




Adaptable optics, with many filter, laser and configuration options, and the unique fluidics system provide flexibility in the fluorochrome combinations you can analyze and automation for direct counting of cells


BD Accuri™ C6 Plus Personal Flow Cytometer

The cell analyzer with capabilities to bring flow cytometry even more within reach for new and experienced researchers alike

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